Source code for mohawk.base

import logging
import math
import pprint

import six
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse

from .exc import (AlreadyProcessed,
from .util import (calculate_mac,

default_ts_skew_in_seconds = 60
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class HawkEmptyValue(object):

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, self.__class__)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return (not self.__eq__(other))

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return False

    def __bool__(self):
        return False

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'EmptyValue'

EmptyValue = HawkEmptyValue()

class HawkAuthority:

    def _authorize(self, mac_type, parsed_header, resource,

        now = utc_now(offset_in_seconds=localtime_offset_in_seconds)

        their_hash = parsed_header.get('hash', '')
        their_mac = parsed_header.get('mac', '')
        mac = calculate_mac(mac_type, resource, their_hash)
        if not strings_match(mac, their_mac):
            raise MacMismatch('MACs do not match; ours: {ours}; '
                              'theirs: {theirs}'
                              .format(ours=mac, theirs=their_mac))

        check_hash = True

        if 'hash' not in parsed_header:
            # The request did not hash its content.
            if not resource.content and not resource.content_type:
                # It is acceptable to not receive a hash if there is no content
                # to hash.
                log.debug('NOT calculating/verifying payload hash '
                          '(no hash in header, request body is empty)')
                check_hash = False
            elif accept_untrusted_content:
                # Allow the request, even if it has content. Missing content or
                # content_type values will be coerced to the empty string for
                # hashing purposes.
                log.debug('NOT calculating/verifying payload hash '
                          '(no hash in header, accept_untrusted_content=True)')
                check_hash = False

        if check_hash:
            if not their_hash:
      'request unexpectedly did not hash its content')

            content_hash = resource.gen_content_hash()

            if not strings_match(content_hash, their_hash):
                # The hash declared in the header is incorrect.
                # Content could have been tampered with.
                log.debug('mismatched content: {content}'
                log.debug('mismatched content-type: {typ}'
                raise MisComputedContentHash(
                    'Our hash {ours} ({algo}) did not '
                    'match theirs {theirs}'

        if resource.seen_nonce:
            if resource.seen_nonce(resource.credentials['id'],
                raise AlreadyProcessed('Nonce {nonce} with timestamp {ts} '
                                       'has already been processed for {id}'
            log.warning('seen_nonce was None; not checking nonce. '
                        'You may be vulnerable to replay attacks')

        their_ts = int(their_timestamp or parsed_header['ts'])

        if math.fabs(their_ts - now) > timestamp_skew_in_seconds:
            message = ('token with UTC timestamp {ts} has expired; '
                       'it was compared to {now}'
                       .format(ts=their_ts, now=now))
            tsm = calculate_ts_mac(now, resource.credentials)
            if isinstance(tsm, six.binary_type):
                tsm = tsm.decode('ascii')
            www_authenticate = ('Hawk ts="{ts}", tsm="{tsm}", error="{error}"'
                                .format(ts=now, tsm=tsm, error=message))
            raise TokenExpired(message,

        log.debug('authorized OK')

    def _make_header(self, resource, mac, additional_keys=None):
        keys = additional_keys
        if not keys:
            # These are the default header keys that you'd send with a
            # request header. Response headers are odd because they
            # exclude a bunch of keys.
            keys = ('id', 'ts', 'nonce', 'ext', 'app', 'dlg')

        header = u'Hawk mac="{mac}"'.format(mac=prepare_header_val(mac))

        if resource.content_hash:
            header = u'{header}, hash="{hash}"'.format(

        if 'id' in keys:
            header = u'{header}, id="{id}"'.format(

        if 'ts' in keys:
            header = u'{header}, ts="{ts}"'.format(
                header=header, ts=prepare_header_val(resource.timestamp))

        if 'nonce' in keys:
            header = u'{header}, nonce="{nonce}"'.format(
                header=header, nonce=prepare_header_val(resource.nonce))

        # These are optional so we need to check if they have values first.

        if 'ext' in keys and resource.ext:
            header = u'{header}, ext="{ext}"'.format(
                header=header, ext=prepare_header_val(resource.ext))

        if 'app' in keys and
            header = u'{header}, app="{app}"'.format(
                header=header, app=prepare_header_val(

        if 'dlg' in keys and resource.dlg:
            header = u'{header}, dlg="{dlg}"'.format(
                header=header, dlg=prepare_header_val(resource.dlg))

        log.debug('Hawk header for URL={url} method={method}: {header}'
                  .format(url=resource.url, method=resource.method,
        return header

[docs]class Resource: """ Normalized request / response resource. :param credentials: A dict of credentials; it must have the keys: ``id``, ``key``, and ``algorithm``. See :ref:`sending-request` for an example. :type credentials_map: dict :param url: Absolute URL of the request / response. :type url: str :param method: Method of the request / response. E.G. POST, GET :type method: str :param content=EmptyValue: Byte string of request / response body. :type content=EmptyValue: str :param content_type=EmptyValue: content-type header value for request / response. :type content_type=EmptyValue: str :param always_hash_content=True: When True, ``content`` and ``content_type`` must be provided. Read :ref:`skipping-content-checks` to learn more. :type always_hash_content=True: bool :param ext=None: An external `Hawk`_ string. If not None, this value will be signed so that the sender can trust it. :type ext=None: str :param app=None: A `Hawk`_ string identifying an external application. :type app=None: str :param dlg=None: A `Hawk`_ string identifying a "delegated by" value. :type dlg=None: str :param timestamp=utc_now(): A unix timestamp integer, in UTC :type timestamp: int :param nonce=None: A string that when coupled with the timestamp will uniquely identify this request / response. :type nonce=None: str :param seen_nonce=None: A callable that returns True if a nonce has been seen. See :ref:`nonce` for details. :type seen_nonce=None: callable .. _`Hawk`: """ def __init__(self, **kw): self.credentials = kw.pop('credentials') self.credentials['id'] = prepare_header_val(self.credentials['id']) self.method = kw.pop('method').upper() self.content = kw.pop('content', EmptyValue) self.content_type = kw.pop('content_type', EmptyValue) self.always_hash_content = kw.pop('always_hash_content', True) self.ext = kw.pop('ext', None) = kw.pop('app', None) self.dlg = kw.pop('dlg', None) self.timestamp = str(kw.pop('timestamp', None) or utc_now()) self.nonce = kw.pop('nonce', None) if self.nonce is None: self.nonce = random_string(6) # This is a lookup function for checking nonces. self.seen_nonce = kw.pop('seen_nonce', None) self.url = kw.pop('url') if not self.url: raise ValueError('url was empty') url_parts = self.parse_url(self.url) log.debug('parsed URL parts: \n{parts}' .format(parts=pprint.pformat(url_parts))) = url_parts['resource'] or '' = url_parts['hostname'] or '' self.port = str(url_parts['port']) if kw.keys(): raise TypeError('Unknown keyword argument(s): {0}' .format(kw.keys())) @property def content_hash(self): if not hasattr(self, '_content_hash'): raise AttributeError( 'Cannot access content_hash because it has not been generated') return self._content_hash def gen_content_hash(self): if self.content == EmptyValue or self.content_type == EmptyValue: if self.always_hash_content: # Be really strict about allowing developers to skip content # hashing. If they get this far they may be unintentiionally # skipping it. raise MissingContent( 'payload content and/or content_type cannot be ' 'empty when always_hash_content is True') log.debug('NOT hashing content') self._content_hash = None else: self._content_hash = calculate_payload_hash( self.content, self.credentials['algorithm'], self.content_type) return self.content_hash def parse_url(self, url): url_parts = urlparse(url) url_dict = { 'scheme': url_parts.scheme, 'hostname': url_parts.hostname, 'port': url_parts.port, 'path': url_parts.path, 'resource': url_parts.path, 'query': url_parts.query, } if len(url_dict['query']) > 0: url_dict['resource'] = '%s?%s' % (url_dict['resource'], url_dict['query']) if url_parts.port is None: if url_parts.scheme == 'http': url_dict['port'] = 80 elif url_parts.scheme == 'https': url_dict['port'] = 443 return url_dict